5 Journaling Prompts To Create A Habit of Gratitude

Zaithwa Matemvu
2 min readDec 13, 2023


Zdenek Sasek | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

There is a way of life that is aligned with the grain of this world.

The more we live life along (rather than against) this grain, the more life and energy we have. A lifestyle of gratitude is one of the many ways we can cultivate this life and energy for ourselves.

These 5 prompts are a great place to get started. Most of them are from the Gratitude app.

1. Write about one thing that brought you joy recently.

Was it a book you read? A good movie? A conversation with a loved one? Anything small or big that made you feel light, or put a smile on your face.

2. What is one part of your life you wouldn’t trade for anything?

What are things you take for granted, but can’t imagine living without? Siblings? Life in a peaceful country? Your faith?

3. List 3 good things that you have now that you didn’t have a year ago

For many of us, the goalpost of contentment keeps moving with every new achievement. We are already on to the next mountain without taking the time to appreciate how far we have come. Let’s celebrate all of life’s wins!

4. When was the last time you had a genuine belly laugh?

Laughter is medicine for the soul. Laughter is life. When did you last laugh?

5. Choose 3 people to say thank you to today. Write about why you are thankful to them.

Take the time to show love to some people! Give honor to whom it is (over)due.



Zaithwa Matemvu

Weekly articles to help you cultivate self-reflection and self-awareness to live with purpose.